I am also anticipating taking a new drug to replace the olanzapine so that my metabolism can increase and I can get rid of these pounds around my waist my workouts on the hand bike are going very well, with wonderful caregivers who get me on the bike every day.

this new year brings tremendous gifts. I am publishing my crime novel, and I’m very happy with how it turned out. I will post it soon. My health is stable, and though I do not like being in the wheelchair, it has become just a fact of life. I love living in the beautiful landmark, with good food and conversation whenever I want it. I can eat with visitors in the private dining room. Come see me!

My mini kids are very well and are in contact with me.The older generation, my parents and in-laws, are all in good health. My marriage continues to be a source of strength and grace. I look forward to each year of life.

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